Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Farmville Cheat Codes

Ok, theres something to know about Farmville straight up! Cheat codes for Farmville are really hard to come by (if you've spent any time looking out for them you probably already know this) and when they do pop up they get plugged up just as quickly. You see the company behind Farmville, Zynga, are obviously damn good at their jobs. Their programmers are top notch and do a good job in keeping the cheaters like you on the straight and narrow.

Does that mean you can't cheat on Farmville?

Well, where there is a will there is a way. In fact once you learn how to play you'll leave farmville cheat codes behind you for good. Afterall why bother using illegal tactics when you've figured out a bunch of 100% legal cheats that do a hell of a lot better than cheat codes ever did. On top of that, Using illegal cheat codes is a good way to go about getting your account banned.

Cheating, isn't hard, as long as you do it the right way. For starters, spamming the system or using the facebook cheat engine won't work anymore. They are too smart for that! Honestly, there were a few cheats that worked awesome but the problem was everything you gained from the cheat was erased the next time you logged on. What's the point of that? If you're going to cheat you want it to be permanent so you can at least show off to your friends and family.

Let's get to the point, farmville cheat codes! If you are a programmer or know bit about web development you can fiddle around with the programming requests to the Zynga system. This is difficult and as stated previously in this article the holes are plugging up fast.

Actually, it isn't really accurate to call them cheat codes because a better name would be 'legal cheats'. There are literally hundreds of holes in the system that you can exploit for fun and profit, you just gotta know where to look. Hopefully this article gave you a good starting point.

That's where my site comes in. I've compiled the most comprehensive guide for farmville cheats and strategies available. I don't hold anything back and spill all the beans on my cheats and tactics for dominating the game.

To get started just check out

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